AACG is a Group of enthusiasts working to reduce the morbidity and mortality from asthma in Nigeria, and the global burden of asthma.
Most asthma deaths are totally preventable. We are always looking out for people who would be willing to join our team.
For active membership, you can join at least, one of the four sub-groups: (i) health professionals; (ii) people with asthma; (iii) caregivers; (iv) volunteers.
Asthma affects millions of people , still it is not well understood. This video is a reminder that asthma is more than just a wheeze but a chronic condition that can impact daily life. By raising awareness and educating ourselves, we can help reduce stigma, improve care, and support those living with asthma.
The three-pronged strategy: Education, Profile Raising and Fundraising
We understand the importance of proper device techniques, especially inhalers. We made these videos in some Nigerian languages.
World Asthma Day is an annual event organized by the Global Initiative for Asthma to improve asthma awareness and care around the world. World Asthma Day is held on the first Tuesday in May
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